Place of birth
Our relationship with Timothy is another one of those that blossomed out of a long line of random WhatsApp messages that become phone calls, which become partnerships, which then develop into creating content together. Timothy spearheads his own version of creativity by heading into many of the most challenging situations you could go with a camera.
Tim grew up with an alpine resort as a backyard, and has been skiing since before he could walk. He was getting better than average at it, until he moved to Los Angeles to become the only Australian living in Southern California that can't surf.
Thankfully he'd been procuring a side hustle as a lensman, coining a reputation as a prominent camera journalist. From deployments to Boko Haram held territory in Chad and Nigeria, to the now iconic footage of the Washington D.C. riots that sparked a diplomatic incident between two allied nations, Tim's moving pictures have been seen on documentary films broadcast on all the big 3-letter networks. A recipient of both the coveted Neil Davis International News Golden Tripod, & Walkley Excellence in Journalism awards, he became only the 399th cinematographer accredited by the Australian Cinematographers Society since 1963, which makes his official designation Timothy Myers ACS, but he'll answer to anything.
Career Highlights
Recipient of Neil Davis International News Golden Tripod, & Walkley Excellence in Journalism awards, and also became only the 399th cinematographer accredited by the Australian Cinematographers Society since 1963.

Timothy's Favorite Db Gear
- Timothy Myers